Iontronics and Nanoelectronics Lab at RIT
12/10/2024 The group celebrate the end of 2024 and Wyatt’s successful defense of his MS thesis!
Wyatt is starting at Micron Technology as a Process Development Engineer. Congratulations and best wishes for this exciting new chapter, Wyatt!
8/8/2024 Xu Group part of the RIT team that received awards from the NSF to advance research in cutting-edge semiconductor technologies. Research will focus on next-generation CMOS+X (X = AI, biomedical, chemical, optoelectronic, photonic, nanoelectronic, quantum, and packaging) technologies.
Read the RIT news: NSF awards RIT nearly $3 million to advance semiconductor technologies
8/1/2024 Claire, Steve, Jacob, and Joniel present their work at the 2024 RIT Undergraduate Research Symposium
5/16/2023 Dr. Xu present at NSF 2D Crystal Consortium annual meeting.
Nithil, Wyatt, Han, and Joniel present their work the 11th Graphene and Beyond Workshop at Penn State University
05/10/2024 Celebrate another successful semester, 3 student research achievement award winners!
Cori will be heading to Virginia Tech and Jacob will be joining Northrop Grumman.
4/30/2024 Xu group members keep winning awards! Congratulations to Wyatt on winning the prestigious Graduate Achievement Award in Materials Science and Engineering, and a big shoutout to Steve for earning the 2024 Student Achievement Award in Physics and Astronomy. So proud of both of you!
04/02/2024 Congratulations to Cori for being named as a School of Physics and Astronomy Research Scholar for the graduating class of 2024! Great job Cori!
3/20/2024 Collaborative paper on KOH wet etch surface passivation for III-nitride micropillars published at iScience ! Our first collaboration with Dr. Jing Zhang’s group at RIT
03/11/2024 Congratulations to Steve for receiving the Emerson Undergraduate Research Fellowship!
1/2024 Congratulations to Joniel for receiving an NSF scholarship to conduct research on 2D materials preparations and characterizations!
And congratulations to Claire for receiving an U.S. Department of Education scholarship to support her research in the group through graduation, and preparing her for graduate school!
12/15/2023 Nithil, Wyatt, and Han getting trained on the Zeiss Scanning Electron Microscope at the Integrated Nanosystems Center at University of Rochester
12/14/2023 Hold my falafel! Xu Group celebrate the end of 2023 with Mediterranean food
11/15/2023 Paper on strain-induced phase transition published at ACS Nano ! Another collaboration with Dr. Susan Fullerton-Shirey at UPitt
10/9/2023 Dr. Xu gives an invited talk in the IEEE Nano Symposium at the University at Buffalo
8/7/2023 The group getting trained on the newly installed Bruker Atomic Force Microscope, which will be hosted inside the glovebox
8/2/2023 Cori and Jake present their work at the 2023 RIT Undergraduate Research Symposium
8/2023 Han decides to continue his research at the Xu group and work towards his MS in Physics
Welcome back Han!
7/17/2023 Dr. Xu nominated by the School of Physic and Astronomy students to receive the 2023 SPS Faculty Awards as “Dr. Electricity”!
Thank you SPS and all SoPA students!
6/29/2023 Nithil presents his research at the 65th Materials Research Society Electronic Materials Conference (EMC 2023) at UC Santa Barbara
6/1/2023 Claire starts her internship at GE-Hitachi, congratulations Claire!
5/18/2023 Wyatt, Cori, and Jacob present their work at the 10th Graphene and Beyond Workshop at Penn State University
5/15/2023 Caleb completed his research and will start his position at Northrop Grumman as “Transformational Physicist”.
Congratulations Caleb!
5/11/2023 The Xu group celebrates another successful semester
5/1/2023 Jacob wins the 2023 RIT Physics Faculty & Alumni Endowed Scholarship Award ($3000)
Congratulations Jacob!
5/1/2023 Dr. Xu named Senior Member of IEEE
4/5/2023 Wyatt present his work at the 2023 Graduate Education Week and Showcase
4/3/2023 Cori is awarded the COS Emerson Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship for a 2nd time! ($5000)
Congratulations Cori!
3/16/2023 Paper published at ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces! Another collaboration with Dr. Susan Fullerton-Shirey’s group at UPitt, lead by Shubham Awate
12/25/2022 The group celebrates the end of 2022 at OG Dumpling House
11/12/2022 The 2+3 Bay glovebox is finally installed!
10/12/2022 Dr. Xu awarded the RIT COS Dean’s Research Initiation Grant
9/26/2022 Claire presents her work to RIT President Dr. Munson at the Fram Signature Event
9/21/2022 Nithil, Caleb, and Dr. Xu attend the IEEE Nano Symposium at the University at Buffalo
A reunion with Dr. Alan Seabaugh from Notre Dame and Dr. Huamin Li from UB
8/9/2022 The group getting trained on the new Keysight Semiconductor Parameter Analyzer
7/28/2022 Claire and Cori present their work at the 2022 RIT Undergraduate Research Symposium
7/25/2022 Dr. Xu attends the AAPT Physics and Astronomy New Faculty Workshop
7/15/2022 The group takes a break from summer research to some xiaolongbao
6/23/2022 SoPA faculty retreat
6/8/2022 Claire teaches transistors to the group, every schematic is hand drawn!
5/18/2022 Nithil, Wyatt, and Dr. Xu attends the 9th Graphene and Beyond Workshop at Penn State
It’s a fun travel together with Dr. Puchades group at RIT!
5/18/2022 Reunion with Dr. Susan Fullerton-Shirey’s group from UPitt
Everyone is so happy, especially Wyatt!
5/15/2022 Claire receives the Inclusive Excellence Student Fellowship to conduct research on 2D crystal characterizations in the summer.
Congratulations Claire, and welcome to the team!
5/1/2022 Wyatt joins the Xu group to work towards his MS in Materials Science and Engineering
Welcome Wyatt!
5/1/2022 Cori is awarded the COS Emerson Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship to work on finite element modeling of ion transport in a polymer electrolyte
Congratulations Cori!
4/7/2022 Nithil gets training on the newly installed Lakeshore Cryogenic Probe Station
1/26/2022 Lab space cleaned out and lab benches arrived
12/8/2022 Paper published at ACS Nano! This is a collaboration with Dr. Zheng Sun at East China Normal University, Dr. Susan Fullerton-Shirey at UPitt, and Dr. David Snoke at UPitt
11/2021 Dr. Xu receives new funding from National Science Foundation on ion-locking for hardware security
Read more about the project in the press release from UPitt
8/2021 Nithil and Dr. Xu officially joins RIT!