Xu Group

Iontronics and Nanoelectronics Lab at RIT

10/9/2023 Dr. Xu gives an invited talk in the IEEE Nano Symposium at the University at Buffalo

8/7/2023 The group getting trained on the newly installed Bruker Atomic Force Microscope, which will be hosted inside the glovebox

8/2023 Han decides to continue his research at the Xu group and work towards his MS in Physics

Welcome back Han!

7/17/2023 Dr. Xu nominated by the School of Physic and Astronomy students to receive the 2023 SPS Faculty Awards as “Dr. Electricity”!

Thank you SPS and all SoPA students!

Congratulations Caleb!

Congratulations Jacob!

Congratulations Cori!

A reunion with Dr. Alan Seabaugh from Notre Dame and Dr. Huamin Li from UB

It’s a fun travel together with Dr. Puchades group at RIT!

Everyone is so happy, especially Wyatt!

Congratulations Claire, and welcome to the team!

Congratulations Cori!